Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tumus on Holiday

Tumus will be on Holiday December 24th - December 31st.
The store will still be open during this time so feel free to browse!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Last Orders Out!

The Christmas rush is at last over. The last orders have been packaged and shipped. To be truthful I never expected such a huge response to the dog ornaments and I'm incredibly happy that they were so popular! A big thank you to everyone who sent in pictures of their dogs, puppies, and cats! You certainly made my first Etsy Christmas something to remember ^_^

Last Order
Originally uploaded by diamondkelt
Last Orders

One of my favorite dog stories was probably this guy.

Boggs is a Red Socks Fan
Originally uploaded by diamondkeltBoggs Is a Red Socks Fan

From what his owner tells me Boggs, like his dad, really enjoys a good baseball game.

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Cup of T

My tea was unusually good this morning. I didn't do anything differently, but it tasted very nice. Maybe it was because I'm so tired that anything hot and comforting felt good.

Christmas is coming along well. Things are winding down at Tumus for the holiday season. I'm glad the rush is over and my sewing hand can recouperate better :) I've got several project planned to work on over my Holiday break and sooo many photos to take and finish off.

I also have a long overdue addition to my Foto Friday for tomorrow if I can get it uploaded tonight. My photography's been on hiatus since I've been sewing so much. And with Christmas and baking it just doesn't seem like there's any time left other than to sleep. I don't care what people say, oh you can sleep when you die, pffff, I need my sleep or I'm a cranky girl.
I plan on taking Chris down to another park after Christmas to get some pictures of wildlife and such. I miss the woods. I don't mind the quiet suburban neighborhood we live in but sometimes I wish I could be surrounded by the calm peace of trees, animals and earth. I think I'm becoming allergic to pavement these days :lol:

I'll be wrapping presents when I get home from work and finally relaxing. I only have to work 2 days next week and then I'm on vacation! Tea and napping for all ^_^

Enjoy some tea themed fun:
Teapot Clock
Tea Cards
The Cup That Cheers

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Reza Deghati

I was listing to NPR this morning and heard an interview with a photojournalist named Reza Deghati. He spoke with such passion and conviction about his photos and everything he'd seen in his life that I felt like crying when I heard it. Here is a man who feels everything around him. He sees it with his heart. It's a rare thing to hear someone on the radio and know that they are the real thing. To hear words being spoken and realize that this man lives the life he was destined to do.

He's written a book. I will have to get it. He is a remarkable person.
In a section of Reza War and Peace titled, "Thoughts of An Exile," he writes:

"Within you remains the memory of your lost country, and you may feel disappointment in the land where you are now living, the country you thought would be your promised land and beyond it your way of being free. There remains, too, a feeling of mourning for your native land.

This grief is always with you below the surface, but the longing for your homeland is called up even more acutely by a tangible reminder of your country — a familiar smell, a food that tastes like a dish back home, a countryside that evokes scenes from your childhood. You feel it as well when you hear someone speak your language and you hear once again the melody of your native tongue. For the exile, the joys of the present are full of memories of the past."

NPR Weekend EditionSince leaving Iran, his work has reflected an extraordinary empathy and intimacy with his subjects, particularly for those longing for home.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Time To Catch My Breath

In the mean time, while the dog ornaments have been going over marvelously well I've been trying to catch my breath! Whew! Thankfully (never though I'd say that) it's slowed enough that I can take some pictures this weekend of my new magnet sets. You can see them here in my shop Tumus

I already have a few listed in my shop, but am going to add a "word series". I'm getting hits on them for sure so I hope the word series gets as much love too ^_^ These are incredibly light weight but have neodymium magnets on the back making each individual magnet have a 3 lb pull! They definitely will do the job!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Sniffles

Thanksgiving rolls were a hit, especially the mouse biscuits. But in all the hustle and bustle I also caught a cold and by Sunday I had the sniffles big time. It makes sleeping harder, but on the upside I stay up and sew :lol:

In other crafty news I must start on my wedding invitations very soon! I have to make about 150 of them and would like to have them done by March. This will creep up quicker than I can imagine I'm sure:lol:
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