Friday, May 27, 2011

Work Space part 3

To help sign you out for a weekend of cookouts and bug spray here's the final installment of my Work Space.
This is the table that I love the most.  It's so cool and compact and made just for me ^_^
Look familiar? This is probably the cleanest it's been since the Christmas rush.

Work Table #2
(note the hinges)

Firstly you have to pull out the legs.  They're designed so they look like one, solid leg when it's all pushed together.  We like streamlined things in our house.

Work Table #2 Pull out das legs

The nifty leg "mechanics"
Work Table #2 Mechanics

Remember those hinges in the first picture? That's because there's two pieces of wood there.  Now flip open the table!

Work Table #2 The Whole thing

Try not to be too envious of the space this both gives and saves me.  It's ingenious. 

Work Table #2 SPACE!

I don't recall the exact measurements but it's enough space to really spread out.  
Have a great weekend and wear your sunblock!

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Fresh Quilt and Sun Tea

I've been busy taking a quilting class on Tuesdays at a local quilt shop (well more like 45 minutes away local). I really just wanted to be able to refine my "self-learned" quilting techniques.  I'm pretty keen on seeing how to baste a larger quilt.  This is for my niece Abby.  I love traditional quilts but sometimes they just need updating.
Abby's B-day quilt

Also I think Summer is already here.  It's funny because each year I'll complain about how it needs to be warmer in May all the while completely forgetting that it gets really hot and humid by Memorial Day weekend. I'd say we're right on track with that weather pattern.
I've been itching to make some sun tea too.  I remember my Mom's big, glass jar that she would fill with tea bags and set out in the sun.  It had a red lid that would get so hot in the sun. I like to ask myself why no one makes big, glass jars anymore and then realize oh yeah, plastic is cheaper and lighter and everyone's all about cheap these days :(  But I've learned one thing, plastic doesn't brew the same good tea and it sure as heck doesn't hold up as well.  I'm crossing my fingers hoping I'll find one soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hella Busy

May has been hectic.
The months leading up to May were pretty mundane and average but now it's like life is hurtling forward in some frantic attempt to cram everything eventful into the next 4 months.  Let's look at this shall we? Everything with an * is an event I'm either throwing or helping with.
- an outdoor wedding (PRAY it doesn't rain because there is no real back up plan)
*quilting class every Tuesday this month
* Memorial Day cookouts (yes plural)

* my annual tea party (also outside)
- the local Strawberry Festival
*my sister's bridal shower

- the 4th of July cookouts
- the bachlorette party for my sister (o.m.g.)
*Chris' Birthday
*Tumus's Christmas in July Sale
*my sister's wedding
* Dayton Celtic Festival

- Dublin Irish Festival (I'd volunteer for this but it's near Columbus which is an hour away)
*Disney Vacation (hello Florida humidity)

~Deep Exhale~
In perspective it doesn't look like alot but it's the planning that kills me. I just kind of want to skip summer and get right to Disney so I can relax.  Oh and did I mention my garden is really hopping now and then there's the home improvement shenanigans that need to be brought under control and finished. At least the kitchen and front door are fully painted and done (check mark).

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