Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Craft for Hope #16

Be sure you check out Craft for Hope's Project 16:

If you're not familiar with how C4H works it's a lovely site run by one very dedicated mom who searches out meaningful causes for crafters to donate to. Some of the more memorable projects include Sock Monkeys for wildfire victims in Texas, Christmas Stockings and Blankies for tornado ravaged Alabama and Safe Birthing Kits and a Craft for Hope sale to help earthquake communities in Haiti.

I love this site and the way it's helped thousands of people across the world.  I have made it a goal to participate in as many Projects as I can this year.  It's a great excuse to create and make for others!

I have several ideas for hats and matching bags ^_^

The deadline for Project 16 is March 16, 2012
All the details can be found in the link at the top of the post.

Spread the word! Spread the Karma!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This is YOUR Internet

Unless you've been living under a rock lately I'm sure you've heard of the current legislation being rushed before Congress, SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act).

Both of these so-called "Bills" were created by lobbyists and are both poorly worded and dangerous to everyone, yes even you readers who use Blogger or Facebook or Google or Twitter or YouTube or Wikipedia...ANYONE who uses the internet (for business or pleasure) will fall under these new rules if we do not stand up and tell Congress to vote NO.

Here is a link from the Cheezeburger network with every state's Senator and their phone number.  Call them TODAY and tell them to vote NO.
Voting NO will keep the internet and your freedom of speech intact.  It will allow you to share pictures, comment on TV shows, blog about current events without fear of being wrongfully sued or shut down.

Here is Google's petition:
This will become reality unless we all give Congress an earful.  Don't let the government start censoring our right to every side of the internet. If these laws pass I won't even be able to share that picture or those links without this post being canned.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Things That Happen

At the beginning of last week we noticed our second cat Guinness gimping about the house.  He tends to be a psychotic spazz most days but he'd seemed out of it lately.  And by "out of it" I mean he didn't run away like we were trying to eat him.  So I packed him up and off to the vet we went.

Guinni splint

A couple hundred dollars later this was the result.
If I had to be frank this cat in particular will always have too much of that stray mentality.  His flight or fight response will always give way to flight.  We are guessing he fractured his paw over the weekend when he spazzed out and ran behind the couch.  When we couldn't find him we discovered that he had burrowed his way into the back of my recliner in an attempt to "disappear".  

It's really a wonder he didn't do himself more damage or that I didn't sit down in that seat and pop open the foot rest (shudder).  This makes for his worst hiding place to date next to the paint shelf in the basement, crawling up into our old refrigerator by the motor, and stuffing himself into the light table in Chris' work area on top of the light bulbs.   He's not trying to keep warm he just likes to hide so he can feel secure.

We can only hope he totally forgets the recliner hole exists.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Resolution(s)

It's that time again.  When I come out of vacation hibernation a little more revived in the creativity department and ready to take on more "adventurous pursuits".  In no particular order here's what I hope for my 2012.

#1 Not bury myself in projects at the last minute.
Bury me down at the Log Cabin

#2  I will finish sewing all my half started projects...entirely.

#3 Discontinue a few ornaments and add more ready-to-ship options.

#4 Introduce ornament kits (ooooh! ahhh!)

#5  Get more haircuts!  The constant ponytail is giving me headaches.

#6 Plant a simpler veggie garden, but with more potatoes.
#7 Take more pictures

#8 Remodel our disgusting pink tiled bathroom.

#9 Have a baby and make a gallant attempt at motherhood.
That last one isn't really a resolution as it is an announcement that the Tumus house will be growing this year, probably around the end of summer.  This means I'll have to take things a little slower once the little bean gets here, but it'll be a good thing.
Happy New Year (a tad late) ^_^

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Dirty, Dirty Life

A few months ago after most of the garden had died off and things were slowing down enough that I could read at a leisurely pace I found this book, The Dirty Life.

  It wasn't entirely what I expected, but then again I'm not sure what I may have thought this book would be about.  I find that in most cases non-fiction writers have very different voices and very different ways of explaining things from their lives than a fictional writer.  This is more-or-less an autobiographical novel of how a city girl who met a diehard organic farmer learned to farm, love, and trust.  The title "The Dirty Life" is well suited for the book because it's certainly not a romance novel.  In fact it's very truthful about how tough love can be especially when you're not even sure about yourself.  I could relate to nearly every uncertainty she may have felt heading into the wild blue yonder.

In the end though Kristin does a really marvelous job retelling how their not so ideal farm came to be the best thing she never knew she needed.  I cheered along with her as she figured out how to make cheese, when she picked her first draft team and grimaced at the frustrations of not knowing how to milk a cow, getting up before the sun and having to slaughter their first pig.  It's a real account of knowing where your food comes from and being proud that your own two hands helped shape it.

A good read for any time of the year, but especially now, right before the earliest Spring planting gets underway when you're still dreaming up new things to sow.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Be Inspired

Oh, the places you will go...
(may be slightly NSFW because it's Burning Man, but nothing offensive just inspirational, promise)

Hope this new year you'll have places to go.
Your mountain is waiting so get on your way!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear Vacation,

We should see more of each other this year.  I actually forgot what bad daytime TV was like, how much I love chips and salsa, and how neglected my house has gotten between Halloween and Christmas. I miss not doing anything for a few weeks, being able to do things at leisure (like the laundry) and just slowly catch back up on domestic life.

Sooper dooper

It's nice cooking real dinners again.  I'll try to keep in touch more often this year and work on leisure time management, I promise.

p.s. Guinness told me to tell you that I've been doing a swell job at being a couch potato this week.
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