Sunday, August 26, 2012

The New Kid In Town

On August 14th 2012 I started what would be a very long and hard labor.  The funny thing about labor, other than the incredible amount of energy and work expended, is that after the arrival of your baby you really do forget the pain.

The New Kid
(She was a big one at 9lbs 3oz // 22 in long // she's 4 days old here)

It's hard to describe, but any mother can tell you it's true.
I can vividly remember the experience but I can't remember any of the pain and that seems like such a blessing.

Baby Feet

Fiona Marie arrived August 15th at 3:28pm after 19 hrs of labor (5 of those pushing).  Dr. Guy performed a miraculous delivery that helped me avoid a c-section and put my poor hubby Chris at ease.  They also never tell you how worried and nervous husbands can be in the delivery room.  It breaks my heart to think back on how upset he was over all the pain no matter how many times I told him it would be okay and that it would be worth it in the end exhaustion be damned. 

I was exhausted but the Doc said he'd never seen someone so damned determined after so much pushing.  A+ for me.  I actually had the presence of mind to journal the start, some the of the middle and the end of my labor.  Looking back at it and reading it over makes me weepy.  I'm glad I did it because your first baby will always be a very unique and special memory.

I feel pretty, oh so pretty

I'm still in recovery mode, but each day is a little better than the last thanks to Chris helping in every way possible.
With all the "cooler" weather we've been having it's hard to stay cooped up inside, but I have to rest and take it easy for at least another week.  I'm itching to be back outside and taking walks eventually.  I want to show Fiona all my flowers and plants.  I also can't wait to be sitting normally again (LOL) at my sewing machine which has been looking lonely and forlorn.

I have been peeking in on things though and lurking here and there in my Etsy shop.
It was weird at first coming home with a baby, but now things are falling into a steady routine and it feels like I can totally do this now.


cottonreel said...

I left you a comment on flicker? saying , nice sample .
You have a beautiful daughter, congratulationsJ

Bugs and Fishes said...

Yay, congrats Mama! :)

Tumus said...

thank you guys ^_^ She's a handful already!

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